I love to read and when I began training horses, I read every horse training book I could get my hands on. Even after more than 20 years as a trainer, I still read as much as possible.  I'd like to share with you a few of my favorite books and DVDs that I have in my personal library.


Horse Training

Mario's favorite quote from:

Breaking and Training the Stock Horse  By Charles O. Williamson
Page 8: “Those riders who consider the type of bit as being of great
importance should reflect upon the fact that, unless the horse is pushed
into the bit with the legs, it is of no use whatsoever. If he is kept “on the bit”
and the hands of the rider are “light,” as they should be, the type of bit in
not too important. As an excellent trainer of our acquaintance once
remarked, “those who consider the bit as being most important, work on
the wrong end of the horse.”

Mario's favorite quote from:

GROUNDWORK  By Buck Brannaman
Introduction Page V:  “The ground work information contained in this will
help you to prepare both you and your horse for situations that
unfortunately sometimes occur at the worst times.  Perhaps when big thunder head is
building off in the distance one day you can simply don your slicker and
carry on!  There are many things that accidentally occur with a horse but if
he’s gentle and trusts you as a friend, then he’ll allow you to help him out
of trouble, instead of seeing you as the trouble.”

This is my favorite quote of all and one of the many reasons why I like to
read Podhajsky—Mario

My Dancing WHITE HORSES The Autobiography of Alois Podhajsky By
Alois Podhajsky Translated by Frances Hogarth-Gaute
Page 20: “At the onset of my riding career, therefore, I learned two important
maxims of the greatest significance for any kind of success: that self-
discipline and self-control are essential, and that in life even what appears
bad can be turned to good use. The way to the heights, whether in art,
sport, or ordinary life, is long, thorny, and thickly beset with obstacles. It will
lead us to our goal only if we have conquered ourselves sufficiently to
overcome all the difficulties we meet. But self-control is the most important
virtue for anyone who hopes to lead other living creatures or to be their
master.”—Alois Podhajsky

Mario's favorite quote from:

Horse/Man Relationship By Ray Hunt

Page 26: “You’ve got to be awake and alert every minute,
every stride, because you’re working with something alive that
thinks and feels. He makes decisions. If we’re not there to help
him, he may make a decision we don’t want him to make. Then
we blame it on the horse. But, I grant you, it’s not the horse’s
fault.”—Ray Hunt

Rawhide Braiding


This a great book about attitude to help you with horse training, whatever career you have chosen or just life in general.

Training horses isn't a get rich quick scheme. If you aren't stressed about your finances, you'll think more clearly in the round pen and on your rides.

Anyone who trail rides at all should know what this book teaches about survival. The same emotions that come up in a survival situation often come up when working with horses. I have benefitted from the information on how to handle fear, anxiety, anger and frustration.


I have tried a lot of knives. Here are five reasons I carry my Mora companion when I want to carry a fixed blade: 1) It will stand an incredible amount of abuse. 2) The cost is relatively low if I have to replace it. 3) It holds a good edge. 4) There is no worry about it cutting through the case. 5) The case is made so you can carry it a variety of ways.